SIU LAI KEI, Gingerbread Man's Destiny (薑餅人的宿命) & Laugh At Last

Statement, March 2022

Medium: Clay, Dried acrylic paint, Monofilament, Wood

Size: 36 cm (L) x 23 cm (W) x 69 cm (H)

The origin of the name is the gingerbread man's story. To avoid being eaten by humans, it escaped. It overcomes different challenges. However, it is consumed by the cunning fox eventually. With respect to my topic, unfortunately, the experimental subjects can never escape from the laboratory.

It is an installation art that shows a story of experiments. The experiment's subjects have been arguing about ethical issues. There is inequality in views between humans and animals. Do not know from what time to start; human is the most higher than animals in social status. Human right is a prime consideration. If using animals as food or for experiments brings more benefits, it makes animals suffer. It is still morally. But, it has been immoral without considering the welfare of animals. Humans inflict pain on animals unrestrainedly and wantonly. 

The basic idea is an experiment between humans and animals. It will lead audiences to think about their dispute.

It shows a story in three cubes. First, humans fall into the conical flask. Then, there are different tests such as injection, anatomy, electrotherapy, and helmet for hurting their brain-a man who protects his heart. Finally, A mouse and rabbits are kicking humans. It represents they catch humans for an experiment. Is it retribution or equality? I used dry acrylic paint and light clay to rub shapes. Then, I stick them on monofilaments to be illusions. An illusion seems many mouses and rabbits are hurting humans in 3rd cube. Also, there are too many tests in 2nd cube.

Besides, I have had a passion for biology since secondary school. The motivation for the work is recent news about wild boars and New York's rats. Those cases show humans how to trap wild animals and kill them. Humans still think it is moral and protect humans. Also, past articles and issues inspiring me related to "Animals Welfare" excluded birds, house mice, and voles from protection. Past animals experiments are usually immoral. But humans use animals as a tool to achieve their purpose and benefit. And then, the UK was the first country to run a COVID-19 human challenge study which led to more people against it. Therefore, those motivations inspired me to make this work.

I expect audiences to rethink experiments' disputes between humans and animals. Then, I will invite them to pump liquids into one of the conical flasks (Human or Animal). I will set tools in the exhibition-the result based on their considerations. I also put a project to play a montage movie for an explanation. 

The Last Laugh is a montage-collage work that I learned in the last few years. This two-minute video, it explores animals right from the animal viewpoint. Humans are caught by a mysterious man, and finally, all of them fail to escape...

Moreover, the Important techniques are rub's skill, time wait for acrylic paint to dry, tie monofilaments. I have excellent ability in rub shape. In Semester A, I made a lung clay model in a sculpture course. 

The work references Chris Dorosz. He is talented in "Paint drop sculpture." He used dry acrylic paint, not a brush, to create 3D images. 

Moreover, I reference He Chong's artwork in my college video. His works have 3D scenes. He uses a dark color tone. His theme is usually related to problems of social issues and LGBT. His stair works lead me to conceive my scene 2. 

Consequently, I believe audiences remove preconceptions and respect animals. I want them to rethink their behavior by participating in the process and inspire them to make equality with animals.   

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